Get ready to uplevel your freelance biz.

We all want to get better at our craft. Being a freelancer means you are constantly competing to get jobs and grow your business. The competition is there, but it doesn’t have to be hard. Use my advice to excel, no matter what kind of freelancer you are.


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New episodes of The Ambitious Freelancer drop every Thursday for your listening pleasure. Let’s have a conversation together!

Quick Tips To Help You Succeed

Episodes of The Ambitious Freelancer are usually under 30 minutes so you can get a quick dose of info to help you grow your freelance business.

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The Ambitious Freelancer is available pretty much everywhere you listen to podcasts. Check it out on places like Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Stitcher, etc.

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About Amanda Cross

Do you want to get to know the woman behind the podcast, Facebook group, and website? My name is Amanda, and I’m the HAFIC (Head Ambitious Freelancer In Charge.) I am a freelance writer for HR technology companies, blogger, and podcaster. You can learn more about me by checking out my about page.


Girl, you need a nap and better clients.

— Me, probably.


Join The Facebook Group

The Ambitious Freelancers Group is a small but mighty group on Facebook led by Amanda Cross. Join the group to connect with others in the community.